Technoscrap's Blog!


I'm trying to remake actors anteroom from melty blood in famitracker and it actually sounds ok?????????? wow.


I'm starting to make music in famitracker again and it sounds so boring ugh..,.,... It's not horrible sounding at least. Yeah I know I'm just starting but sometimes you wish you could just get good at something fast. Its hard for me to keep at something, but I'll try to make more music this time around hopefully. I'll probably upload some of the music on here and on my NG eventually, so tune in then!


I started learning css today, and made a few changes to the website and also added a bunch more gifs and added a shitty background. I'll continue working on it in the next whenever idk.


I finally built my fightstick! There are still some things to do, such as the bottom panel and decoration. Overall however, I think its looking pretty good (^▽^). I took some pictures but I'll upload them later, but I will upload the art I plan on using.
a picture of xrd ky kiske with a magic circle and lightning fight stick parts completed fightstick


My first blog post! I've been pretty busy recently so I haven't had much time to work on this website unfortunately. I'm also quite lazy so I think that worsens it a bit :P. Decided to log on today and finally add a blog page (basically what I made this whole website for). Honestly while writing this just thought of maybe writing this blog on myspace or something? Idk.